“Donate directly to help Room In The Inn Winter Shelter at St. Edward's. This money will provide much-needed winter supplies for our guests and make their stay with us the most blessed it can be.”
We are in need of volunteers to help with the set-up and clean-up of the St. Edward Room in the Inn program. You can help us on Saturday afternoon at 4:00 PM or Sunday morning at 6:00 AM in the Family Life Center (gym).
Click here to volunteer for set-up/clean-up.
We need drivers to transport our guests from the Room In The Inn downtown campus to St. Edward on Saturday afternoon. Drivers are also needed on Sunday morning to return guests to the Room In The Inn campus at 705 Drexel St, Nashville, TN.
Each driver typically transports three guests, although vehicles that can accommodate more are welcome. We usually need three drivers for a total of nine guests.
Saturday: Meet at St. Edward at 5:00 PM to carpool to the downtown campus.
Sunday: Meet at St. Edward at 5:45 AM to transport guests back to the downtown campus.
Our guests spend Saturday night in the St. Edward gym. We provide dinner on Saturday night, breakfast on Sunday morning, and a to-go sack lunch. The program runs from November 1 to March 31, with St. Edward participating on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.
Click here to volunteer as a driver.
St. Edward provides hospitality, meals, and shelter to nine guests two Saturdays each month from November 1 to March 31. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve meals for the following:
Click here to volunteer to prepare/serve meals.
We are looking for Innkeepers for the Room in the Inn program starting in November. If you volunteered as an Innkeeper last year, we would love to have you again this season. Please note, a teenage child of an innkeeper may stay, but only one child may serve per night.
Innkeepers are provided with a cot, pillow, and bed linen. Food and beverages will be provided. Arrival is at 5:00 PM on Saturday, and departure is at 7:00 AM on Sunday.
Click here to volunteer as an Innkeeper.